March 29, 2018
Discover the Fashion Revolution with fairechild
fairechild is super excited to be hosting Nova Scotia's first ever Fashion Revolution Event!
Where: The Discovery Centre | 1215 Lower Water Street, Halifax, NS
When: April 28, 2018 | 11 AM - 4 PM
What: Kid's can join the Fashion Revolution, too! We want to start a conversation with kids about where their clothes come from and the impact they have on our planet. fairechild, a new local sustainable children's outerwear company, is partnering with The Discovery Centre to host activities to get kids thinking about the energy used to make and transport clothes, the energy needed to take care of our clothes along with the human aspect of the global supply chain. Get involved in the global Fashion Revolution movement by posting a photo at our photobooth asking #whomademyclothes?
Admission: Entry to the Discovery Centre is needed to participate. Plan for a fun educational outing!

We hope to see you there!