fairechild Book Report | Volume 27 | Seasons

Name of Book: Seasons

Year Published: 2010

Words and Pictures by: Blexbolex

What is the main topic of the book?: 

Silkscreen artist Blexbolex explores the cyclical nature of time by looking at the seasons. Each spread in this book is breathtaking in its simplicity as he captures people associated with each season, like skier, swimmer, roasted chestnut seller. As you flip through this book you are encouraged to observe your surroundings, whatever season you find yourself in. Some pages are ‘silence’ ‘shout’ ‘birth’ ‘roaming’ ‘pruning’ ‘shout’ and so much more. I felt nostalgic and hopeful as I sat and absorbed this picture book. Hope you can check it out, too!


If you are an illustration nerd or love beautiful imagery, you will love this stunning book.

Rating: 10/10! 

Kids Book Report Seaons Blex Bolex

Buy: Here is the link to find Seasons by Blexbolex online!


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